Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Carlingford :D

We got home from Carlingford last night and it was definatly the best two days of TY so far :D I somehow managed to get up at 6 on monday morning and we met at esso at 6.45. Even though we were all wrecked on the bus everyone was buzzin with excitement :D As soon as we arrived we were split up into two groups. My group were given super cool army suits and guns! We made our way up the very steep hill (not fun!) and arrived in a forest. We played lasers, which was the funnest thing ever! Running around, aiming and shooting other peoples heads, how could it not be fun? :D
After lunch we had to walk for about 25 minutes to get to a big field to do activities. Nothing could beat the lasers but these were still really fun. My group's instructor was John, who made the activites much better! Most of the time was spent slagging his accent while he laughed at us failing most of the games! The highlight had to be 'Communication Breakdown' which was when we were all put in a dark room with 3 floors and had to make our way out. Before it, I was certain it would be easy and we'd all get out really quick, man was I wrong! After failing to get out after 15 minutes John turned on the lights and he told he was crying with laughter with some of the noises coming from us when we were inside! :L If you complete a task you get 'gems' but because we didnt get out of the room we couldnt get the gems :( But then we convinced John to give us them if we got Leah to sing :D yay :D
In the evening we did 'night line' where we were blindfolded in the forest and had to follow a rope! When we got back we were all chillin' in the common room with the boys school that was there. We had a sing song that was great fun :D
That night we got our rooms, my group of friends got split up which was annoying at first but after that I didnt mind at all because I got on really well with the girls in my room and we had a good bitta' bant before bed :D The next morning we were woken early for breakfast and told our activites for the day. We started the day with rock climbing and abseiling :D They were both really fun once you got into them. Our last thing to do was oreintiring, yeah i've no clue how to spell that but you know what I mean :L This was by far the worst thing we did! Wandering around hills, looking for numbers is alot harder and stressful than it seems. My team got totally lost, ended up in a random field with no paths so we just made our way back down the hills towards the centre :L what a fail. :L
By tuesday night I was so so so tired I could bearly stay awake and I fell asleep on the way home! We had such a great two days that I'm sure no one will forget :D

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