Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Work Experience Number 1 :)

Last week, all TY's went on their first week of work experience. I went to the Chemistry department on Maynooth College. My friend Caitriona was doing it aswell so I wasn't really that nervous on the first day because she was going in with me.
On the first morning we met with our suprivisor Ken and another girl from Maynooth PP who was doing work experience. We were told the rules in the labs and given a rough idea of what we were doing.
Last week was Science Week so most of the week we were getting ready for science night that was on friday. We got to set up and do loads of really fun experiments. One was called 'weird custard.' When you put your hand slowly into a basin of custard it went into it and got covered but when you punched the custard it was rock hard! We also got the make different chemicals which was fun because we were given so much more freedom than in school.
We were also sent on a few shopping trips to get so many random items for the experiments. One of this trips included us being reported to the college by a mature student for stealing a trolly !
Overall,  it was a really great week and now I'm almost certain I want to work in something to do with chemistry... :D

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